kightp: The line stretched the length of the fairgrounds
kightp: Union supporters
kightp: The big orange 0
kightp: Homemade shirt
kightp: Local volunteer
kightp: Buttons
kightp: The Veterans for Peace were there
kightp: Local volunteer
kightp: Welcome Senator Obama
kightp: Steely-jawed cops, anyone?
kightp: Tori
kightp: Graham Kislingbury
kightp: Change we can believe in
kightp: Barbara
kightp: Young supporter
kightp: John and Tori
kightp: Millie
kightp: DSC_0243
kightp: The "press room"
kightp: Secret Service
kightp: Watchful
kightp: Bleachers for the county Democrats
kightp: The room is filling up
kightp: Press photographers
kightp: Stand for change
kightp: Schmoozing
kightp: Local security
kightp: Craig Robinson
kightp: Obama's brother-in-law
kightp: Enthusiasm