kjenkinsduffy: Joel and our sign
kjenkinsduffy: The other Joel and the sign!
kjenkinsduffy: Setting up
kjenkinsduffy: Setting up
kjenkinsduffy: The sign!
kjenkinsduffy: Alison Rose t-shirts
kjenkinsduffy: Cool Ohio Mixtape coasters
kjenkinsduffy: Empty street
kjenkinsduffy: T-shirt side of the Merch Booth
kjenkinsduffy: Down the street
kjenkinsduffy: FISHBOOOOOOOAT
kjenkinsduffy: CMC Booth
kjenkinsduffy: People watching at the Merch Booth
kjenkinsduffy: Be the Change
kjenkinsduffy: Upside down Comfest mugs
kjenkinsduffy: This guy
kjenkinsduffy: Alison Rose
kjenkinsduffy: Nick and Alison
kjenkinsduffy: Flowers
kjenkinsduffy: Jeni's Comfest Menu
kjenkinsduffy: Free trade!
kjenkinsduffy: Wholly Craft booth
kjenkinsduffy: Tie-dye
kjenkinsduffy: I love Comfest...
kjenkinsduffy: Super Comfest
kjenkinsduffy: Super Comfest
kjenkinsduffy: Clint and Wyatt
kjenkinsduffy: So much awesome in this photo