uLightMe: Princes of Wales Hotel
uLightMe: Window Shutters
uLightMe: white picket fence RED ROSES
uLightMe: Soldier Hat
uLightMe: British Soldier
uLightMe: I dunnowhatsamathing
uLightMe: bucket 'o' window
uLightMe: barryl
uLightMe: British soldier attantion
uLightMe: British soldier gun shot
uLightMe: Grave Stone Cross
uLightMe: Amsterdam Good Beer
uLightMe: older couple in the rain
uLightMe: younger couple in the rain
uLightMe: Horse's head and eye
uLightMe: Horse and Carriage Low angle
uLightMe: white carriage
uLightMe: under carriage
uLightMe: horse feet
uLightMe: horse in motion
uLightMe: horse and carraige
uLightMe: Fort Niagara, NY
uLightMe: Dead on the Beach
uLightMe: Old tree in the water
uLightMe: Couple on the bench
uLightMe: blue rain coats
uLightMe: Red and Yellow flower
uLightMe: Fire leafs
uLightMe: Tiny Blue Flower
uLightMe: grassy landscape Big tree shadow