kierentc: 01012014 bath pig
kierentc: 02012014 aqua doodles
kierentc: 03012014 new purchases
kierentc: 04012014 Xmas jim jams
kierentc: 05012014 party time
kierentc: 06012014 nee naw
kierentc: 07012013 boy's toys
kierentc: 08012014 call that a challenge, daddy?
kierentc: 09012014 bashful boy
kierentc: 10012014 taking throwing to a whole new level
kierentc: 11012014 daddy cuddles are the best
kierentc: 12012014 hold tight daddy!
kierentc: 13012014 oompa loompa
kierentc: 14012013 new clothes
kierentc: 15012014 feet up watching the telly
kierentc: 16012014 three km
kierentc: 17012014 what a cool vest
kierentc: 18012014 sock it to 'em
kierentc: 19012014 leaning tower
kierentc: 20012014 leave me alonnnnne!
kierentc: 21012014 more towers
kierentc: 22012014 did I say I wanted my nappy changing mummy?
kierentc: 23012014 never get between a boy and his pig
kierentc: 24012014 little pals
kierentc: 25012014 aaaand he's off!
kierentc: 26022014 and who's going to clear up all this mess?
kierentc: 27012014 covers are for wimps
kierentc: 28012014 the best toy in the world
kierentc: 29012014 planking
kierentc: 30012014 mega bloks box head boy