kierentc: the eiffel tower
kierentc: the eiffel tower
kierentc: the eiffel tower
kierentc: the eiffel tower
kierentc: the eiffel tower
kierentc: 12082009 the eiffel tower
kierentc: the eiffel tower
kierentc: the eiffel tower
kierentc: the view from the eiffel tower
kierentc: the view from the eiffel tower
kierentc: the view from the eiffel tower
kierentc: the eiffel tower at night
kierentc: the eiffel tower at night
kierentc: eiffel tower at night
kierentc: eiffel tower at night
kierentc: eiffel tower at night
kierentc: the arc de triomphe at night
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kierentc: le boeuf sur the toit
kierentc: le boeuf sur the toit
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kierentc: the arc de triomphe
kierentc: the arc de triomphe - tomb of the unknown soldier
kierentc: the arc de triomphe
kierentc: the arc de triomphe
kierentc: a bloke at the arc de triomphe
kierentc: sacre cour from the arc de triomphe
kierentc: pompidou centre
kierentc: notre dame
kierentc: notre dame