kierentc: 01042009 the kite surfers
kierentc: 02042009 we all live in the yellow submarine
kierentc: 03042009 the swallows
kierentc: 04042009 my boat...
kierentc: 05042009 not drowning but waving
kierentc: 06042009 ickle camel
kierentc: 07042009 let sleeping pigs lie
kierentc: 08042009 the view from our doorstep
kierentc: 09042009 possibly the best tea in the world
kierentc: 10042009 percy pig says...
kierentc: 11042009 carrot cake muffins
kierentc: 12042009 interesting weather
kierentc: 13042009 interesting weather 2
kierentc: 14042009 a drink in the horse and trumpet
kierentc: 15042009 here come the girls...
kierentc: 16042009 brotherly love
kierentc: 17042009 torville and dean
kierentc: 18042009 n&p mitch rees and jeannie h
kierentc: 19042009 on the bench
kierentc: 20042009 these boots are made for walking
kierentc: 21042009 red sky at night...
kierentc: 22042009 a sunny day at kirkstall abbey
kierentc: 23042009 red sky in the morning...
kierentc: 24042009 a nice g&t
kierentc: 25042009 here comes the sun (dooble dooble)...
kierentc: 26042009 baby animals at temple newsam farm
kierentc: 27042009 the RSPCA
kierentc: 28042009 reflections
kierentc: 29042009 hollow tree house
kierentc: 30042009 the great baked bean debate