kidraerae: first fritatta.
kidraerae: breako
kidraerae: friends forevs
kidraerae: mine.
kidraerae: P1050057
kidraerae: brunch picnics are my favorite kind
kidraerae: first course
kidraerae: i heart popcorn
kidraerae: tacos
kidraerae: tomozz toothpicks
kidraerae: pita chips, of course. hummus, superspicy hummus, and babaghanouj not pictured.
kidraerae: guac and non-guac chips
kidraerae: summer rollness
kidraerae: asparagus(pee)
kidraerae: scramble sisters
kidraerae: again with the eggs
kidraerae: flat fritatta pizza
kidraerae: made on the phone with naomi that day
kidraerae: they just got cuter and cuter
kidraerae: slowcooked eggs and such
kidraerae: israeli cous cous et cetera
kidraerae: "working" "sedar"