** Gudenius **: Dulles Lightpost
** Gudenius **: Corner of St Stephens and Grafton
** Gudenius **: Dublin Corner BW
** Gudenius **: Trinity College Cobblestones
** Gudenius **: Wilde Footsteps
** Gudenius **: Pomodoro Sphere, Trinity College
** Gudenius **: Pomodoro Sphere, Trinity College BW
** Gudenius **: The Temple Bar
** Gudenius **: The Emperor of Malted Liquors
** Gudenius **: Temple Bar Corner
** Gudenius **: Temple Bar
** Gudenius **: Temple Bar Window
** Gudenius **: Through the Christchurch Gates
** Gudenius **: Sarah in front of Christchurch
** Gudenius **: Christchurch Tower
** Gudenius **: Father Talk
** Gudenius **: Christchurch Flowerbed Dublin
** Gudenius **: Guinness Brewhouse Interior
** Gudenius **: Street Saint
** Gudenius **: Interesting Advertising
** Gudenius **: Dublin Trumpeter Fountain
** Gudenius **: Dame St Trumpeter
** Gudenius **: Trumpeter Statue Dublin
** Gudenius **: Sarah with the Trumpeters
** Gudenius **: Duck Chase
** Gudenius **: St Stephens Green Gull Aloft
** Gudenius **: Incoming!
** Gudenius **: Touchdown
** Gudenius **: Ailwee Cave in the Burren