Allan Ferguson: Parks Ave. looking south
Allan Ferguson: Purple town
Allan Ferguson: Flag pollution
Allan Ferguson: La Mesa Landmark
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5847.jpg
Allan Ferguson: Standout
Allan Ferguson: Plan 9 from Outer La Mesa
Allan Ferguson: Not what it looks like
Allan Ferguson: Hot Wheels parking
Allan Ferguson: More to come
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5855.jpg
Allan Ferguson: House fetuses
Allan Ferguson: Earth tones
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5861.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5862.jpg
Allan Ferguson: Cheek to cheek
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5864.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5865.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5866.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5868.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5869.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5870.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5871.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5872.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5874.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5875.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5877.jpg
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5878.jpg
Allan Ferguson: A good neighbor
Allan Ferguson: Cozy corner