Allan Ferguson: Del Mar Marble & Tile
Allan Ferguson: Legionnaires on high alert
Allan Ferguson: Short cut
Allan Ferguson: Morning drive time
Allan Ferguson: Industrial La Mesa
Allan Ferguson: Industrial La Mesa
Allan Ferguson: Industrial La Mesa
Allan Ferguson: Close-up Cape-Able
Allan Ferguson: Industrial La Mesa
Allan Ferguson: Wash me!
Allan Ferguson: IMG_5742.jpg
Allan Ferguson: No idea, really
Allan Ferguson: Freeway-Close to Christ!
Allan Ferguson: Journey village
Allan Ferguson: Don't Stop Believin'
Allan Ferguson: Journey Community Church
Allan Ferguson: Journey jumping off point
Allan Ferguson: Journey Central
Allan Ferguson: The Jesus Bug
Allan Ferguson: Journey Bookstore
Allan Ferguson: L A M E S A T R A N S F E R
Allan Ferguson: Barbecued Al Gore
Allan Ferguson: Grilling Season Is Here!
Allan Ferguson: And we do mean "galore"
Allan Ferguson: Xtians AT La Mesa
Allan Ferguson: Buenos Dias IN California
Allan Ferguson: Glen St. slurry sealed