_Kickstand: Flying into Salt Lake City
_Kickstand: Flying into Salt Lake City
_Kickstand: at the Canyons preparing for our 1st day of skiing
_Kickstand: at the Canyons, looking at the trail map.
_Kickstand: Thane ponders his existance
_Kickstand: from the top of Ninety-nine 90 chair (after a short hike) looking west
_Kickstand: from the top of Ninety-nine 90 chair (after a short hike) looking northeast-ish
_Kickstand: from the top of Ninety-nine 90 chair (after a short hike)
_Kickstand: Warren OB (out of bounds) poaching some pow
_Kickstand: Warren OB (out of bounds) poaching some pow
_Kickstand: IMG_3259.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3260.jpg
_Kickstand: Thane OB (out of bounds) poaching some pow
_Kickstand: IMG_3267.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3270.jpg
_Kickstand: OB (out of bounds) poaching some pow
_Kickstand: IMG_3273.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3274.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3275.jpg
_Kickstand: Apres ski - Canyons
_Kickstand: Apres ski - Canyons
_Kickstand: IMG_3281.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3282.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3283.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3284.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3285.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3287.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3288.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3291.jpg
_Kickstand: IMG_3292.jpg