katie.hubicki: Lioness and Cub (Chinese)
katie.hubicki: Lion (Chinese)
katie.hubicki: me in the mummy exhibit
katie.hubicki: the Egyptian Mummy exhibit's sign
katie.hubicki: a rabbit hieroglyph
katie.hubicki: Egyptian exhibit entrance (lower level)
katie.hubicki: Entrance Protector
katie.hubicki: 100_0729.JPG
katie.hubicki: ... and the rock parted before her, as the Red Sea did for Moses
katie.hubicki: Toleration
katie.hubicki: my favorite root system of the day
katie.hubicki: just a view back down the "trail" we had just climbed back up
katie.hubicki: Katie and Erin, in the wild
katie.hubicki: my favorite rock of the day
katie.hubicki: Erin with her brand new water bottle
katie.hubicki: Erin on rock, with nature background
katie.hubicki: some bridge the path wandered under