Alex T Sam:
Steel Wool at Bay-Bridge-of-San-Francisco-Oakland,-9-28-13
Alex T Sam:
Golden Gate bridge light-9-21-13
Alex T Sam:
Golden Gate bridge before sunset-9-21-13
Alex T Sam:
Golden Gate bridge at dawn, -9-21-13
Alex T Sam:
Golden Gate bridge -dawn,9-21-13
Alex T Sam:
Golden Gate Bridge during noon hour-9-15-13
Alex T Sam:
Pigeon-point-lighthouse during cloudy day,-9-17-13
Alex T Sam:
pigeon-point-lighthouse during cloudy day, -9-17-13
Alex T Sam:
Alex T Sam:
Sunset at Pigeon-point-lighthouse, -9-15-13
Alex T Sam:
san-mateo-bridge,-Foster-City, -9-13-13
Alex T Sam:
SF-City at dawn with dark cloud,-9-15-13
Alex T Sam:
SF City-during-overcast day,-9-15-13
Alex T Sam:
steel-wool at bay-bridge,-9-28-13
Alex T Sam:
Alex T Sam:
Bay-bridge treasure island to SF 10-11-13
Alex T Sam:
We build too many walls and not enough bridges.Isaac Newton Photo by Alex T Sam
Alex T Sam:
The circle of light at Twin Peaks The spectacular view of San Francisco cityscape
Alex T Sam:
San Francisco- 100 years anniversary of Palace Of Fine Arts light show celebration
Alex T Sam:
It was amazing experience to seat and watch as the stormy clouds rolled in and the rainbow just appeared right before my very eye , that was awesome! you all enjoy the view from the photo as well! 😘
Alex T Sam:
The Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco, Ca viewed from Slacker Hill
Alex T Sam:
Sunset over San Francisco
Alex T Sam:
Then day turns into night At Golden Gate Bridge
Alex T Sam:
Ship leaving San Francisco at sunset Viewed from Marshal beach
Alex T Sam:
sunrise during the fog rolled in at Slacker hill Last winter
Alex T Sam:
Somewhere at Marin headland facing to the coast during my morning hike
Alex T Sam:
My adventure still goes on with or without you
Alex T Sam:
Time flys ! Didn't have time to post processing this photo since last winter Have a great Labor Day folks !
Alex T Sam:
Thunderstorm about to hit San Francisco any minute
Alex T Sam:
Foggy morning at Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco