KristinHayes: Uncle Rod
KristinHayes: my loves
KristinHayes: special
KristinHayes: eskimo kiss
KristinHayes: You're my honey.
KristinHayes: I've got Barry White playing on the stereo...
KristinHayes: live well, laugh often, love much
KristinHayes: Play With Me
KristinHayes: eye to eye and chin to chin
KristinHayes: tiny chef
KristinHayes: Houdini
KristinHayes: the artist
KristinHayes: don't let that cute face fool you...
KristinHayes: What? Do I have something on my face?
KristinHayes: wistful
KristinHayes: chimpin'
KristinHayes: a boy's life
KristinHayes: Renaissance Man
KristinHayes: and your point is?
KristinHayes: something different
KristinHayes: Little Lord Hesallboy
KristinHayes: two little monkeys
KristinHayes: my red-headed devil with the face of an angel
KristinHayes: I'll take 'Things for which I am thankful' for $1000, Alex...
KristinHayes: my christmas elf
KristinHayes: channeling zoolander
KristinHayes: red head blue wall