Slipping Away: Our reflection
Slipping Away: Distortion
Slipping Away: Blue/red
Slipping Away: In between worlds
Slipping Away: Shadow portrait
Slipping Away: See olen mina
Slipping Away: Luas mirror
Slipping Away: Man from the moon
Slipping Away: A crossprocessed version of me
Slipping Away: Me quedo aquí
Slipping Away: Barcelona dreams
Slipping Away: What you see
Slipping Away: Color Close-up
Slipping Away: B&W Close-up
Slipping Away: In a different time, a different place.
Slipping Away: Yet another self-portrait
Slipping Away: That would be me
Slipping Away: Insomnia (2)
Slipping Away: Insomnia (1)
Slipping Away: Biking meself
Slipping Away: On a thoughtful day