Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Textile strikers in Lawrence, MA, gather near the railroad tracks.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: A crowd gathered around a man speaking from the back of a horse-drawn wagon
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Group photo of women employees of the Reliance Waist Co. ca. 1910
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Workers holding Yiddish, Italian, Russian, and English language placards. One English sign reads "In unity is our strength." Photo verso says "From the Inheritance."
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Striking garment workers march in the streets, holding placards
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Members of the Women's Trade Union League (WTUL) of New York pose with a banner calling for the 8 hour day
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Women of the Reliance Waist Company, many wearing a corsage, pose for a group photo with a flower bouquets including ribbons that read "Good Luck" and "Your Friends"
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: A man, woman, and child with a horse-drawn cart in front of a fruit and vegetable store. A sign on the cart in English and Yiddish reads, "We are Collecting Provisions for the Striking Tailors: Please help."
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Man holding a basket of food next to a horse and wagon. On the side of the wagon is a sign in English and Yiddish: "We are Collecting Provisions for the Striking Tailors: Please help."
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: African American women picket for unionization
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Employees of Jacobs Bros. on strike for better wages
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: A well-dressed woman is detained on the street by a police officer and another man.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Street crowded with strikers, many with a hand raised
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Strikers gathered outside a gazebo at Union Square, listening to a speech
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Male strikers cheering and parading through the street with American flags
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: A long line of mourners walk through the snowy streets of Chicago, 1910.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Men and women strikers gathered on a street in front of shops during the Great Revolt
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Police attempt to control a crowd of men holding a placard that proclaims: "We have swept them out," referring to the expulsion of known Communists from the ILGWU during the garment job action in 1927. June 23, 1927.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Striking members of ILGWU Local 187, from the Chicago Rubber Clothing Co., gather on the sidewalk in Racine, IL, for a group photo, December 3, 1934.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Crowd gathered in Union Square around a speaker's platform, near the Mehlin Piano building
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Men and women marching in the street carrying signs
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Journal Waist and Triangle Waist workers stand in front of a large sign announcing their strike in Newark, NY, 1912.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: A large crowd of strikers, holding American flags, placards and banners, gather on a street.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Striking garment workers rally in Union Square holding banners in Yiddish and English, 1913
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Arrested strikers are loaded into a paddy wagon after a demonstration turned violent
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Men and women sit reading and relaxing in front of sewing machines during the first sit down strike in the dress industry
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Feminist labor activist Rose Pastor stokes and others meet to discuss a strike.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library: Strikers meeting in the Lipzin Theatre