Kheel Center, Cornell University Library:
Strikers, including IGLWU Queens and Nassau Locals 57-77, picket outside Gretz's store holding signs and bags urging people not to buy Judy Bond blouses, May 27, 1965.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library:
Picketing ILGWU members outside Macy's departament store urge shoppers not to buy Judy Bond blouses.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library:
Three women hold signs at the Merchandise Mart in Atlanta, Georgia, urging people not to buy Judy Bond blouses, March 1, 1962.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library:
White and African American male strikers of ILGWU Local 23-25 wear signs while picketing against Judy Bond blouses.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library:
Striking Judy Bond employees picket outside Macy's in New York.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library:
Picketers, with placards that urge people not to buy Judy Bond blouses, pose for a group photo outside the Gertz Center.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library:
A woman in the middle of a busy street wears a shirt with writing on the back that reads: "Judy Bond; On Strike; Don't Buy Judy Bond Blouses," October 1, 1964.
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library:
Woman on strike, wearing a sandwich sign encouraging people not to buy Judy Bond blouses, July 19, 1966
Kheel Center, Cornell University Library:
ILGWU members picket in front of Gertz store, asking shoppers not to buy Judy Bond blouses, August 1, 1965.