kheadstrom: Cafe and Macarons at Laduree
kheadstrom: Under SM Pier
kheadstrom: Zuma Beach
kheadstrom: Palacio Real
kheadstrom: view from hotel balcony
kheadstrom: Mantillas worn during Holy Week
kheadstrom: IMG_3397 copy
kheadstrom: IMG_3346
kheadstrom: Louvre
kheadstrom: Michelle
kheadstrom: the Seine
kheadstrom: Luxemberg Gardens
kheadstrom: Tower Bridge
kheadstrom: St. Pauls, Millenium bridge and the Thames
kheadstrom: Spider heads for St. Pauls!
kheadstrom: Thames view from a speeding bus
kheadstrom: Busy Oxford Street!