Full Moon Images: Hobby (image 1 of 3)
ducnho2413: _MG_2849
Brian E Kushner: Eastern Kingbird
Full Moon Images: Kestrel (image 1 of 3)
materian: Ardea Purpurea (2)
materian: Ardea Purpurea (3)a
Brian E Kushner: Juvenile Female Osprey
Betty Vlasiu: Snowy Plover & Chicks
Brian E Kushner: Yellow-crowned Night Heron
Zul Bhatia1: Willow Warbler, Lochwinnoch
Brian E Kushner: American Bald Eagle
Betty Vlasiu: American White Ibis - Immature
Betty Vlasiu: Black Skimmers
Full Moon Images: Scarce Chaser (image 1 of 2)
Betty Vlasiu: American Oystercatcher
NZ Nature by Glenda Rees: A Weka in the rain
Full Moon Images: Juvenile Robin (image 1 of 2)
Brian E Kushner: Ruddy Turnstone
Brian E Kushner: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Betty Vlasiu: Great Blue Heron
T-Gauthier: Forster's Tern (Sterna forsteri )
Betty Vlasiu: White Morph Reddish Egret
Brian E Kushner: American Bald Eagle
Betty Vlasiu: Ruddy Turnstone
Brian E Kushner: Least Sandpiper