(killer): giving new meaning to hanging lights
(killer): don't even bother
(killer): packard graveyard
(killer): not the kind of technological advances you want in a gyno
(killer): omg, spiderman!
(killer): what a deal
(killer): bit of a leak problem
(killer): kinda miss this
(killer): grrrr, swamp thing, rrrrrr
(killer): imposing
(killer): sparsely furnished
(killer): orange juice comes from here?
(killer): used to be
(killer): super sucky staircase shot
(killer): off center
(killer): lonely table is lonely
(killer): imposing
(killer): rough childhood
(killer): jump right in
(killer): yea, ya idiot
(killer): skeletal
(killer): long necks
(killer): nature breaking in
(killer): drab
(killer): seriously lame
(killer): into the darkness
(killer): i gotta secret for ya joe rogan...
(killer): control room
(killer): amusement park: not so amusing anymore
(killer): mixed messages