(killer): stomping grounds
(killer): another packard sunset
(killer): guess where
(killer): packard...
(killer): ...packard...
(killer): ...and more packard
(killer): red sky at night...
(killer): a fire from 91 million miles away
(killer): new center at its finest
(killer): moonrise
(killer): ..little weird
(killer): before it was the team lazy chair
(killer): c'mon.. all the cool kids are doing it
(killer): chop shop
(killer): laser lights
(killer): would've wanted..
(killer): boots
(killer): roof nap
(killer): chill spot
(killer): all sorts of off
(killer): shit snow
(killer): the packard has feelings too
(killer): brat face
(killer): target practice
(killer): soco love
(killer): lonely leisure
(killer): even packard has lonely chairs
(killer): where boats go to die
(killer): i'm sure this is in a scrap yard somewhere
(killer): packard is perfect for sunsets