Kghia Gherardi: The Entrance Hub to Clock Island
Kghia Gherardi: Telescope at the Hub
Kghia Gherardi: View through the Telescope
Kghia Gherardi: Sundial at the Hub
Kghia Gherardi: The Approach to the Hourglass
Kghia Gherardi: Transportation into the Hour Glass
Kghia Gherardi: View from the Top of the Hourglass
Kghia Gherardi: The View from the Bottom of the Hourglass
Kghia Gherardi: Numbers Forming Objects
Kghia Gherardi: Typical Touristy Photo
Kghia Gherardi: Watching 6 Dance
Kghia Gherardi: Simply Me in the Environment
Kghia Gherardi: Among the Numbers
Kghia Gherardi: Five Running for Ten Equals?
Kghia Gherardi: Kghia Neatly Framed
Kghia Gherardi: Number Tree
Kghia Gherardi: View from Sprial Staircase
Kghia Gherardi: Moonrise at Clock Island