KGDG: Not daunted at all by the superior numbers
KGDG: Now THAT's using the whole field!!
KGDG: Matching the attacker stride for stride
KGDG: I got your no. 10 right here
KGDG: Every which way but loose
KGDG: Dad - I think you're playing really really well!
KGDG: Angle of attack
KGDG: Unhand me you varmint
KGDG: Searching for options upfield
KGDG: Red & Black shoulder to shoulder
KGDG: Heavy pressure from every direction
KGDG: Getting back into the game
KGDG: Double team
KGDG: Calm cool and collected in the box
KGDG: Pulling back to avoid the foul