KGDG: Superman goes on the offensive
KGDG: Searching for options
KGDG: Putting some power into the header
KGDG: PUGG casts a lonely figure as it awaits action
KGDG: Moment of impact
KGDG: Let's all play follow the bouncing ball
KGDG: International jerseys on display
KGDG: Interesting way to confuse the defense
KGDG: I can't believe he missed that either
KGDG: I believe I detect a smile on that ball's face
KGDG: Heavy challenge from behind
KGDG: Gonna be tough getting by that wall of defenders
KGDG: Gliding through heavy traffic in midfield
KGDG: Get up for the header
KGDG: Flick on to advance the attack
KGDG: Find the wing with a pinpoint cross
KGDG: Edison Eagle zips down the wing
KGDG: Changing the point of attack
KGDG: Can you push it by the defense
KGDG: Bringing the ball under control
KGDG: Attack of the Killer Ball
KGDG: You go first - no you go first
KGDG: Throw-in with gusto
KGDG: The latest dance step is all the rage
KGDG: Step right up
KGDG: Step on it and let the defenders run by
KGDG: On the attack
KGDG: Lite touch
KGDG: Keep yourself balanced
KGDG: Just in the nick of time