KGDG: Columbus Crew Stadium becomes home for an evening
KGDG: Crew upended
KGDG: Get off my back
KGDG: Just can't keep his feet
KGDG: Christian has a sense of foreboding
KGDG: Take the field
KGDG: Across midfield stripe and into attack
KGDG: At some point it dawns that this ain't the U-20's
KGDG: Back to Glory of Championships indeed
KGDG: Battling for the ball
KGDG: Close control
KGDG: Dom passes down the line
KGDG: Everybody gets a good seat at the reserve match
KGDG: Fans offer their progeny to help with the defense
KGDG: Oranje man joins the travelling hordes
KGDG: Supporters celebrate without any reserve
KGDG: Terrapins tussle
KGDG: We could use a non-flying Dutchman
KGDG: All the way from Japan
KGDG: An Emilio fan stands up for DC
KGDG: DC United fans take over a corner of Crew Stadium
KGDG: Happiness is being at a DC United match with someone special
KGDG: Is there a Simpson in the house
KGDG: Must be in the front row
KGDG: Off the highway
KGDG: On the concourse at Crew Stadium
KGDG: Quite the hood ornament
KGDG: The van makes it to the land of cow pastures
KGDG: Welcome to Crewville
KGDG: You never know who you might find in the stands