kg.abhi: The date trees line up...খেজুর গাছের সারি
kg.abhi: The mustard field সর্ষে ফুল
kg.abhi: The Rooster near a cowshed
kg.abhi: Beans flowers gather early morning dews সিমের ফুল
kg.abhi: The mustard field and the bullock cart সর্ষে ফুল, গরুর গাড়ী
kg.abhi: The dawn breaks..Winter Time কুয়াশা ঘেরা ভোর
kg.abhi: The road is lost!
kg.abhi: In a playful mood around the bamboo trees
kg.abhi: The paddy field ধানের ক্ষেত
kg.abhi: The landscape from a local train
kg.abhi: Work
kg.abhi: Irrigation- the traditional way
kg.abhi: Flower cultivation
kg.abhi: Plucking flowers - I
kg.abhi: Plucking flowers
kg.abhi: 'Kalbaisakhi' (Nor wester) কালবৈশাখী
kg.abhi: 'Sheuli' শিউলি/ শেফালী
kg.abhi: Reflection on a village pond.
kg.abhi: Mango flowers at the backyard
kg.abhi: Mango flowers আমের মুকুল
kg.abhi: Flower cultivation
kg.abhi: Flower Cultivation
kg.abhi: Flower Cultivation
kg.abhi: Paddy Field in Summer
kg.abhi: My niece showing me mustard field
kg.abhi: Wild Flower ঢোল-কলমি
kg.abhi: Up Close Mustard!
kg.abhi: The Honey Bee's opportunity
kg.abhi: The line up
kg.abhi: Date tree loaded in this summer!