Shot by Karen: 02-31 Stairway to Cake Heaven
Shot by Karen: 03-31 Pig!
Shot by Karen: 04-31 Last days of the Tomato Harvest
Shot by Karen: 05-31 Autumn is Upon Us
Shot by Karen: 06-31 Show Me The Way ... to Autumn
Shot by Karen: 07-31 Circus Curves
Shot by Karen: 08-31 Cobbles
Shot by Karen: 09-31 Lost ... in Thought
Shot by Karen: 10-31 Balls! Loads of 'em ...
Shot by Karen: The Office
Shot by Karen: 12-31 Aisle Be There
Shot by Karen: 13-31 Zed
Shot by Karen: 14-31 Crescent Curves in Iron
Shot by Karen: 15-31 Alien ?
Shot by Karen: 16-31 Blackberries
Shot by Karen: 17-31 The Last Post
Shot by Karen: 18-31 Weird Hairy Spider Plant Type Thing
Shot by Karen: 19-31 Tyre-d of Waiting For You ...
Shot by Karen: 20-31 FiFi Vee Dub
Shot by Karen: 21-31 The Office Part 2 : Blue Ribbon Blues
Shot by Karen: 22-31 Somerset Sunrise
Shot by Karen: 23-31 The Empty Swing
Shot by Karen: 24-31 The Office Part 3 : Buttons
Shot by Karen: 25-31 Big Issue on the Wall
Shot by Karen: 26-31 Brassknocker Hill Mist
Shot by Karen: 27-31 Tiger Lily Poppy Sox (2 years, 7 months)
Shot by Karen: 28-31 My Mate Marmite
Shot by Karen: 29-31 Zoom Burst
Shot by Karen: 30-31 Fall
Shot by Karen: 31-31 Bokeh-styley Glow (but really just out of focus!)