Kevi Doyle: View down Oliver Plunkett Street
Kevi Doyle: Marching.
Kevi Doyle: Taxed To Death...
Kevi Doyle: St Lukes Area Banner
Kevi Doyle: Morally Wrong - Enda Kenny
Kevi Doyle: Anarchist flag ...
Kevi Doyle: Labour and Bondholders
Kevi Doyle: On Oliver Plunkett Street
Kevi Doyle: South Parish Banner
Kevi Doyle: Sinn Féin section of march
Kevi Doyle: Socialist Party Banner
Kevi Doyle: Republican Sinn Fein
Kevi Doyle: Behind View
Kevi Doyle: March at corner of Patrick Street and Grand Parade
Kevi Doyle: P1110176
Kevi Doyle: The Lies ...
Kevi Doyle: Labour and Boldholders
Kevi Doyle: No ... on Patrick Street
Kevi Doyle: March on Patrick Street
Kevi Doyle: John Lonregan speaking at rally on Emmet Place