makeitabigbox: 213*365
makeitabigbox: 137*365 outtake: rejoicing in the warm weather :D
makeitabigbox: 23*365 reject: "Let the rain fall down, and wash this world away..."
makeitabigbox: 29*365: "Don't question why she needs to be so free, she'll tell you it's the only way to be..."
makeitabigbox: 58*365: cross processed
makeitabigbox: Good morning.
makeitabigbox: "how I loved your dirty fe et on my windshield and dash...opened the window and put down the seat, laid your head back..."
makeitabigbox: "I want to find one face that ain't looking through me, I want to find one place, I want to spit in the face of these badlands..."
makeitabigbox: Well the only thing that makes me laugh, I guess, is the southbound whistle on the southbound train...
makeitabigbox: 136*365
makeitabigbox: 156*365: "And we'll remember this when we are old and ancient though the specifics might be vague...and I'll say your camisole was a sprightly light magenta, when in fact it was a nappy bluish-gray..."
makeitabigbox: "I've been thinking about you..."
makeitabigbox: 40*365: "every moment leads toward its own sad end..."
makeitabigbox: 128*365: "and if at first you don't choose right, choose again..."
makeitabigbox: 145*365
makeitabigbox: 164*365: "I want my old friends, I want my old face, I want my old mind...fuck this time and place..."
makeitabigbox: "ain't it just like the present, to be showing up like this?"
makeitabigbox: Happy Friday, happy hour
makeitabigbox: 183*365
makeitabigbox: 68*365: happy
makeitabigbox: 33*365 reject: water is so awesome. and I love it.
makeitabigbox: 93*365: "this is the story of the boys who loved you, who love you now and loved you then..."
makeitabigbox: 215*365: falling petals
makeitabigbox: old photographs and summer memories
makeitabigbox: another one from today's rain shoot
makeitabigbox: 19*365 reject: "We are stardust, we are golden, we are billion year old carbon and we've got to get ourselves back to the garden..."
makeitabigbox: 214*365: totally awesome day :D
makeitabigbox: 32*365: "We could slip away, wouldn't that be better? Me with nothing to say, and you in your autumn sweater..."