Kew on Flickr: Inside Kew's Jodrell Laboratory - waiting for the show to start
Kew on Flickr: Inside Kew's Jodrell Laboratory - waiting for the show to start
Kew on Flickr: Kew horticulture students welcome the audience
Kew on Flickr: 'Me and my question'
Kew on Flickr: The audience arrive in the Jodrell Laboratory Lecture Theatre
Kew on Flickr: The audience arrive in the Jodrell Laboratory Lecture Theatre
Kew on Flickr: BBC Radio 4 Gardener's Question Time
Kew on Flickr: Microphones for the experts
Kew on Flickr: Setting up for BBC Radio 4s Gardeners' Question Time
Kew on Flickr: The audience take their seats
Kew on Flickr: The sound man gets ready for the show
Kew on Flickr: The audience arrive
Kew on Flickr: Gardeners' Question Time producer welcomes the audience
Kew on Flickr: Gardeners' Question Time producer welcomes the audience
Kew on Flickr: Our questioners take their seats at the front
Kew on Flickr: Eric Robson introduces the panel of experts
Kew on Flickr: The panel arrive at Kew's Jodrell Laboratory Lecture Theatre
Kew on Flickr: Anne Swithinbank gives advice
Kew on Flickr: A question from our audience
Kew on Flickr: Pippa and Matt assess the health of a plant
Kew on Flickr: Pippa and Matt assess the health of a plant
Kew on Flickr: Eric Robson makes a joke
Kew on Flickr: The experts get animated
Kew on Flickr: Gardeners' Question Time anchor - Eric Robson
Kew on Flickr: Sound man and expert panel
Kew on Flickr: Gardeners' Question Time sound desk
Kew on Flickr: Show's over folks - it's packing up time
Kew on Flickr: The panel of experts: Pippa, Matt and Anne
Kew on Flickr: The panel of experts: Pippa, Matt and Anne