kevsunblush: Ruth's eye
kevsunblush: Ruth and MaiKenJi chicken
kevsunblush: Fun with flowers1
kevsunblush: Flower fun
kevsunblush: In front of hazy mountains
kevsunblush: Us with Tonghua trees
kevsunblush: With trees
kevsunblush: Left eye
kevsunblush: Spacey not ready look
kevsunblush: Laughter
kevsunblush: In front of campus
kevsunblush: Good times
kevsunblush: Laughing me
kevsunblush: On top of a Mario Bros trashcan
kevsunblush: Blossoming
kevsunblush: Blossoming
kevsunblush: Ruth & I by the blossoms
kevsunblush: Ruth & Kevin - pink blossoms
kevsunblush: Another flower shot
kevsunblush: Left eye-11
kevsunblush: Through blossoms
kevsunblush: By the woods
kevsunblush: Kevin teaching
kevsunblush: Kevin teaching hands
kevsunblush: Kevin & Ruth - Tonghua (cropped)
kevsunblush: Kevin - teaching pondering
kevsunblush: Kev & Ruth - by the flowers
kevsunblush: DSC05310
kevsunblush: DSC05303
kevsunblush: DSC05301