Kevin Baird: The Sounds Of Earth, Voyager Golden Record
Kevin Baird: Model of the SMAP satellite
Kevin Baird: Model of the SMAP satellite
Kevin Baird: Chris and Voyager
Kevin Baird: Voyager's RTG power supply
Kevin Baird: Explorer 1
Kevin Baird: Explorer 1 Upper Stage
Kevin Baird: Spirit/Opportunity Mars Rover
Kevin Baird: Spirit/Opportunity Mars Rover
Kevin Baird: Moon Rock
Kevin Baird: Aerogel
Kevin Baird: FLIR Griff Selfie
Kevin Baird: FLIR Griff Selfie
Kevin Baird: Galileo's Tape Deck
Kevin Baird: SCIENCE
Kevin Baird: SMAP in the SAF
Kevin Baird: Installing SMAP's Antenna
Kevin Baird: Remove Before Flight
Kevin Baird: SMAP in the SAF
Kevin Baird: The main SMAP satellite
Kevin Baird: Removed Before Flight
Kevin Baird: 5567 SMAP Anaglyph at JPL
Kevin Baird: Rover Xing
Kevin Baird: Curiosity's EDL "Lucky Peanuts"
Kevin Baird: Spaceflight Operations
Kevin Baird: Deep Space Network
Kevin Baird: Spaceflight Operations Facility
Kevin Baird: Mars Curiosity Rover
Kevin Baird: Mars Curiosity Rover
Kevin Baird: Mars Curiosity Rover