The Macromancer: zbrushstuff02
The Macromancer: zbrushstuff02b
The Macromancer: cubewall_01
The Macromancer: cubewall_02
The Macromancer: cubewall_03
The Macromancer: cublob01
The Macromancer: pedestal_2sphere_diffuse2
The Macromancer: cubewall_04
The Macromancer: spikeball_anaglyph
The Macromancer: pyramidFractal_anaglyph
The Macromancer: pyramidFractal
The Macromancer: pyramidFractal2
The Macromancer: pyramidFractal3
The Macromancer: Pyramid Fractal 7i
The Macromancer: dandelionpyramidfractal1920
The Macromancer: pyramidFractal6_1920x1200_2
The Macromancer: pyramidFractal7_1920x1200_3
The Macromancer: tetrafract1_1920x1200_1
The Macromancer: pyramidFractal8_1920x1200_1
The Macromancer: The Great City versionA
The Macromancer: The Great City revision2
The Macromancer: greeblething01