KevinVM: Mt Shasta
KevinVM: Mt Hood near Elk Meadow
KevinVM: Mt Hood from Elk Meadow
KevinVM: Mt Hood from the south
KevinVM: Mt Jefferson from Mt Hood
KevinVM: Mt Hood from Gnarl Ridge
KevinVM: Mt Hood up close
KevinVM: Newton Canyon
KevinVM: Rocks
KevinVM: Mt Hood Timberline Trail
KevinVM: Mt Adams with Mt Rainier in the distance
KevinVM: Mt Hood & the Timberline Trail
KevinVM: Mt Hood, east side
KevinVM: Mt Hood up close from the south side
KevinVM: Mt Jefferson & hills
KevinVM: But slide
KevinVM: Mt Hood afternoon
KevinVM: Gnarl Ridge
KevinVM: Gnarl Ridge tree
KevinVM: Mt Hood trail
KevinVM: Spires of Newton Canyon
KevinVM: Clark Creek Bridge
KevinVM: Clark Creek
KevinVM: Mt Jefferson from Olallie Butte cropped
KevinVM: The Olallie Butte crowd
KevinVM: 9 minutes after totality
KevinVM: Castle Crags