Kevin The Krazy 1: C&TS Sublette, NM
Kevin The Krazy 1: ESWR 602 - Ambrosia Lake, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: ESWR 602 - Lee Ranch Jct, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: Navajo Mine Railroad
Kevin The Krazy 1: Levy, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: Wagon Mound, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: WSS Levy, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: Colmor, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: MP 706.1 - Springer, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: McKinley County, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: Escalante Loads @ Ambrosia Lake
Kevin The Krazy 1: Navajo Mine C425 @ Table Mesa Road
Kevin The Krazy 1: Navajo Mine ET44AC @ Table Mesa Road
Kevin The Krazy 1: Timing is Everything
Kevin The Krazy 1: NMRX 109 - Santa Fe Railyard
Kevin The Krazy 1: NMRX 109 - Zia Road / Santa Fe, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: NMRX 109 - La Cienega, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: ESWR 603 - Ambrosia Lake, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: ESWR 603 - Lee Ranch Jct, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: CTS 487 - State Line
Kevin The Krazy 1: DRGW 489 - Windy Point, New Mexico
Kevin The Krazy 1: DRGW 489 - State Line