Kevin Steele: 837 Queen West
Kevin Steele: MING OON
Kevin Steele: no more neon | harbinger 1092 Queen W
Kevin Steele: gladstone roof
Kevin Steele: walk the line
Kevin Steele: are you on the list?
Kevin Steele: 1090 queen street west
Kevin Steele: the knitting continues
Kevin Steele: torn billboard still here
Kevin Steele: queen west 2005
Kevin Steele: queen and beaconsfield
Kevin Steele: the car wash next door
Kevin Steele: 1166 to 1174 Queen Street West
Kevin Steele: remna(nts)
Kevin Steele: queen near beverly
Kevin Steele: red storefront
Kevin Steele: transit shelter
Kevin Steele: oyster boy & grreat stuff
Kevin Steele: waiting
Kevin Steele: 1046 queen street west
Kevin Steele: transit shelter
Kevin Steele: currently at the fly gallery
Kevin Steele: windows of the drake hotel
Kevin Steele: track reconstruction continues
Kevin Steele: crossing shaw at queen