kevinrushforth: Dawn Princess
kevinrushforth: Dawn Princess in Dock
kevinrushforth: Waiting on Line at the Cruise Terminal
kevinrushforth: Waiting to Board the Ship
kevinrushforth: Two Ships in Dock
kevinrushforth: Norwegian Sun
kevinrushforth: Space Needle
kevinrushforth: Our Cabin on Dawn Princess
kevinrushforth: Our Balcony on Dawn Princess
kevinrushforth: Cargo Ship
kevinrushforth: Seattle Dock
kevinrushforth: Painting on the Wall of our State Room
kevinrushforth: Dawn Princess, Riviera Deck
kevinrushforth: Dawn Princess Pool, Riviera Deck
kevinrushforth: Safeco Field
kevinrushforth: View from the top deck
kevinrushforth: Dawn Princess Atrium
kevinrushforth: Dawn Princess Atrium
kevinrushforth: Dawn Princess Atrium
kevinrushforth: Fountain
kevinrushforth: Copper Waves
kevinrushforth: Dawn Princess State Room
kevinrushforth: Bon Voyage!
kevinrushforth: Coast Guard Ship in Dock - Seattle
kevinrushforth: Seattle Skyline
kevinrushforth: Water, water everywhere...
kevinrushforth: Too Cold to Swim
kevinrushforth: Wake of the Dawn Princess
kevinrushforth: View from our balcony
kevinrushforth: Reflections off the Sea