Kevin MG: Taking the Boat Out
Kevin MG: 3 Girls in a Row Boat
Kevin MG: Tug Boat
Kevin MG: Tiltshift Tug
Kevin MG: Boating in Miniature
Kevin MG: Encinada Port in Miniature
Kevin MG: Boating
Kevin MG: Docked Cruiseship
Kevin MG: Ensenada Port
Kevin MG: Ensenada Port in Tiltshift
Kevin MG: The Love Boat?
Kevin MG: Fishing Boat or Military?
Kevin MG: Queen Mary
Kevin MG: Playing in the Sand
Kevin MG: LACFD Lifeguard Patorl on the Run
Kevin MG: Sheriff Vessel Swordfish
Kevin MG: Splash Down
Kevin MG: FOB (Fresh Off the Boat)
Kevin MG: After Drop
Kevin MG: Unloading
Kevin MG: Cargo Ship, Sailboats and a Crane
Kevin MG: Cargo Ship and Sailboats
Kevin MG: Toy Boat, Toy Boat, Toy Boat
Kevin MG: Miniature Helicopter...
Kevin MG: Miniature Dole Cargo Ship
Kevin MG: I've got the Boats, Who has the Water
Kevin MG: Jungle Cruise in Miniature
Kevin MG: Miniauture Ships in Oahu Harbor
Kevin MG: Sunset Travel
Kevin MG: Fishing Waimea