kevinmboots77: Hurry up! I can not hold them off for ever!"
kevinmboots77: "Nute Gunray is escaping! Call for reinforcements!"
kevinmboots77: "What is it?" "It looks like a baby Destroyer Droid."
kevinmboots77: "Um, did the Sepies cut back on their budget or something?"
kevinmboots77: Boba takes a little time out to help the Mandalorian Make a wish Foundation.
kevinmboots77: Han's famous rescue of Chewbacca from the Imperials.
kevinmboots77: "Come on Chewie, grab your tools, we have to work on Falcon."
kevinmboots77: Durning the early days of the Rebellion, Rebel pilots would sometimes fly old Delta-7B.
kevinmboots77: "You're not Captain Kirk. Get off that thing before you break it."
kevinmboots77: "Come on Chewie, we have to fly the real thing now."
kevinmboots77: "Um, this isn't good."
kevinmboots77: "Stop playing around! We have work to do!"
kevinmboots77: "Beep bop Boop Beep" "BEEEEEP"
kevinmboots77: As the Wookie roared, MSE-6-K221B was rethinking his asking to be assigned to the Death Star
kevinmboots77: Pilot Evolution
kevinmboots77: "What! It looked big threw my range finder."
kevinmboots77: "Grab your weapons, time to go!"
kevinmboots77: "So you guys use to fly these too, huh?"
kevinmboots77: "We'd be set if they came in black....."
kevinmboots77: "ZOOOOOOMMMM!"
kevinmboots77: "I'll get you Solo." "In your dreams Fett!"
kevinmboots77: Phew. Phew. Phew. Zooommm!
kevinmboots77: Oh, Christmas Tree, oh Christmas Tree, how lovely are your presents."
kevinmboots77: "Stirring you should not be."
kevinmboots77: The little ship took Master Claus to a back water planet in a far off sector. There he made toys and spread joy to the people of that world on a winters eve each year.