Kevin Martin 1:
Monday Meiringen departure
Kevin Martin 1:
Hornet pass through Axalp
Kevin Martin 1:
Farewell to the Allouette 3 at Axalp 2010
Kevin Martin 1:
Goodbye to the Allouette3 flypast @ Axalp 2010
Kevin Martin 1:
Swiss F-18 turning over Meiringen
Kevin Martin 1:
Swiss Tiger on the range at Axalp
Kevin Martin 1:
Swiss Super Puma at Axalp
Kevin Martin 1:
Departing Meiringen AB
Kevin Martin 1:
F-18 above a low cloud
Kevin Martin 1:
Meiringen F-18 take off
Kevin Martin 1:
Taxi during Meiringen night flying
Kevin Martin 1:
Axalp EC635 SAR Demo
Kevin Martin 1:
Patroulle Suisse flying through Axalp
Kevin Martin 1:
Super Puma VIP air lift at Axalp
Kevin Martin 1:
Hunter pleasure flight leaving Sion AB
Kevin Martin 1:
Hunter flights at Sion
Kevin Martin 1:
Gunsmoke whilst shooting at targets on Axalp range
Kevin Martin 1:
F-18 Climbing over the mounhtain tops
Kevin Martin 1:
VIP transport at Axalp
Kevin Martin 1:
Picking up the beer to take up to Axalp!
Kevin Martin 1:
Swiss F-5 Tiger returning to Sion after Axalp
Kevin Martin 1:
L-39 landing at Sion
Kevin Martin 1:
Steep climb out over Sion
Kevin Martin 1:
Super Puma airlift at Meiringen
Kevin Martin 1:
Axalp EC635 SAR Demo 3
Kevin Martin 1:
Axalp EC635 SAR Demo 2
Kevin Martin 1:
Axalp Allouette3 Farewell flypast
Kevin Martin 1:
Axalp Allouette3 Farewell
Kevin Martin 1:
Axalp F18 demo 1
Kevin Martin 1:
F-18 J-007 takeoff