kevin bruff: big ass group of dysFUNctional cavers at custard hollow
kevin bruff: me at the enterance to custard hollow cave
kevin bruff: julie fee, custard hollow
kevin bruff: james wood, custard hollow
kevin bruff: hatch, scott parvin custard hollow
kevin bruff: julie fee
kevin bruff: custard hollow
kevin bruff: scott fee. custard hollow
kevin bruff: custard hollow
kevin bruff: yep, water hit level 2
kevin bruff: custard hollow
kevin bruff: custard hollow
kevin bruff: custard hollow
kevin bruff: custard hollow
kevin bruff: amy and myself, custard hollow. photo by scott parvin
kevin bruff: custard hollow
kevin bruff: custard hollow
kevin bruff: custard hollow
kevin bruff: Custard Hollow Cave - TN
kevin bruff: Custard Hollow Cave - TN
kevin bruff: bacon in custard hollow
kevin bruff: dripping water comming off the cave bacon in Custard Hollow
kevin bruff: Custard Hollow Cave
kevin bruff: stream at Custard Hollow Cave
kevin bruff: me in the stream at Cusard Hollow
kevin bruff: 3 truckloads like this for a trip into Custard Hollow Cave
kevin bruff: "lost in thought" photo by scott parvin