Bond Kevin: Ben Franklin Bridge
Bond Kevin: Random Parade
Bond Kevin: The Piss Tunnel
Bond Kevin: Penns Landing Panorama
Bond Kevin: Bridge/Plane Trail
Bond Kevin: Ben Franklin Panorama
Bond Kevin: Dielan and his computer girl
Bond Kevin: D7000
Bond Kevin: Lighting From The Window
Bond Kevin: South Broad
Bond Kevin: City Hall
Bond Kevin: Broad,City Hall, and Joe
Bond Kevin: Philadelphia
Bond Kevin: No Big Deal
Bond Kevin: Philadelphia
Bond Kevin: My head is Always Going
Bond Kevin: Awake but Always Tired
Bond Kevin: Joe's Gear
Bond Kevin: Joe's Gear
Bond Kevin: Joe's Gear
Bond Kevin: Joe 85mm 1.4
Bond Kevin: Joe 85mm 1.4
Bond Kevin: Super Dielan
Bond Kevin: Old City
Bond Kevin: Robin Alcantara
Bond Kevin: Angel Acevedo
Bond Kevin: Kevin Taylor
Bond Kevin: Kevin Taylor
Bond Kevin: Angel Acevedo
Bond Kevin: Sam Cardelfe