Kevin Machtelinckx: The wall awaits.
Kevin Machtelinckx: A destination.
Kevin Machtelinckx: Beauty is reveling in your nothingness in the face of grandeur.
Kevin Machtelinckx: Tout droit.
Kevin Machtelinckx: Catedral de Marmol
Kevin Machtelinckx: Montant...
Kevin Machtelinckx: There is nothing for you here...
Kevin Machtelinckx: Travel resuscitates the hopeless
Kevin Machtelinckx: Ahead, backwards.
Kevin Machtelinckx: Magellan was here.
Kevin Machtelinckx: We Drift Like Worried Fire
Kevin Machtelinckx: Polish heavy metal: Cure for Patagonian wind
Kevin Machtelinckx: A borrowed line.
Kevin Machtelinckx: The castle on the horizon.
Kevin Machtelinckx: Come have breakfast
Kevin Machtelinckx: It's colorful here. This will be camp.
Kevin Machtelinckx: You are Mighty, you are Gracious, your are Lauded
Kevin Machtelinckx: L'épicurien.
Kevin Machtelinckx: Nuestra Carretera
Kevin Machtelinckx: A favorite place, but only for a moment.
Kevin Machtelinckx: Patagonian Fields