KevieJ421: Top of the rock 4
KevieJ421: Top of the rock 3
KevieJ421: Top of the rock 2
KevieJ421: Top of the rock
KevieJ421: Union Square
KevieJ421: Me at Boca Chica
KevieJ421: Me awaiting the arrival of my pollo con salsa habichuelas
KevieJ421: Maggie with a 'tude
KevieJ421: Im so excited
KevieJ421: Dinner
KevieJ421: Melvin on a vegitarian kick
KevieJ421: Ice Skating at Rockerfeller Center
KevieJ421: Ice Skating at Rockerfeller Center
KevieJ421: Spires of St. Patrick's Cathedral
KevieJ421: The building I climbed to the top of
KevieJ421: Rockerfeller Center
KevieJ421: Chandelier
KevieJ421: Chandelier
KevieJ421: Elevator ride down
KevieJ421: Melvin and Maggie in the window seat
KevieJ421: Melvin and Maggie in the window seat
KevieJ421: Southern View
KevieJ421: Through the railing
KevieJ421: Through the railing
KevieJ421: Southern View at Top of the Rock
KevieJ421: Melvin and Me on Top of the Rock
KevieJ421: Maggie at the binoculars
KevieJ421: Enjoying the view
KevieJ421: Melvin playing tour guide to Maggie
KevieJ421: The binoculars eyeing Central Park