Kev Anderson: baby humpback whale
Kev Anderson: Whale Watching at Hervey Bay Quensland
Kev Anderson: humback whale 5
Kev Anderson: humpback whale 2
Kev Anderson: Humpback whale 1
Kev Anderson: Hump back whale spashdown after breaching
Kev Anderson: humpback whale checking us out
Kev Anderson: Humpback whale standard breach
Kev Anderson: More whale shots from the Tasman Venture off hervey bay QLD
Kev Anderson: More whales from Tasman Venture
Kev Anderson: humpback whale just swam from Antarctica chilling out
Kev Anderson: Just chilling out or warming up
Kev Anderson: Humpback whales oddly this is one of my favourites
Kev Anderson: Humpback whales how close to to boat do get