Kevin & Kathy: Osprey in Flight
Kevin & Kathy: Sharp-shinned Hawk
Kevin & Kathy: Red-Tailed Hawk
Kevin & Kathy: Sharp-shinned Hawk
Kevin & Kathy: Flock of Old Coots (American Coots to be Precise)
Kevin & Kathy: Flying Roseate Spoonbills
Kevin & Kathy: Roseate Spoonbill
Kevin & Kathy: Blue-Winged Teals
Kevin & Kathy: Greater Yellowlegs
Kevin & Kathy: Osprey Nest
Kevin & Kathy: Osprey Pair
Kevin & Kathy: American Coots
Kevin & Kathy: Mallard / American Black Duck Hybrid
Kevin & Kathy: Wood Duck
Kevin & Kathy: Wood Duck
Kevin & Kathy: Male Brazilian (or Red-Crested) Cardinal
Kevin & Kathy: 1st Winter Ring-Billed Gull
Kevin & Kathy: Tufted Titmouse
Kevin & Kathy: Dark-Eyed Junco
Kevin & Kathy: Fox Sparrow
Kevin & Kathy: Fox Sparrow
Kevin & Kathy: White-Crowned Sparrow
Kevin & Kathy: Lazuli Bunting and White-Crowned Sparrow
Kevin & Kathy: Lazuli Bunting
Kevin & Kathy: Lazuli Bunting, White-Crowned Sparrow, and Northern Cardinal
Kevin & Kathy: Female Indigo Bunting
Kevin & Kathy: Male Indigo Bunting and White-Throated Sparrow
Kevin & Kathy: Yellow Warbler
Kevin & Kathy: Tree Swallow on a Wire
Kevin & Kathy: Yellow Warbler