kersy83: Rollercoaster Ride
kersy83: Welcome to the Hanso Foundation
kersy83: Above us only sky
kersy83: Grafitti
kersy83: Victoria Road
kersy83: Yeah yeah, wet floor, as if!
kersy83: YUM!
kersy83: Potentially, Christian's idea of heaven
kersy83: Man in the city
kersy83: Rainy Day
kersy83: Self Portrait #54359
kersy83: A green clock
kersy83: Christian the Geek IV
kersy83: Broadcast Manchester
kersy83: Pretty Manchester
kersy83: International Manchester
kersy83: Fancy Manchester
kersy83: Sammelsurium of Manchester
kersy83: Educational Manchester
kersy83: Big Manchester
kersy83: Practical Manchester
kersy83: Shopping Manchester
kersy83: Manchester Academy
kersy83: Piccadilly Gardens
kersy83: Michi
kersy83: City sun