Kerstin's photos: Pärllagret del 2
Kerstin's photos: Pärllagret del 1
Kerstin's photos: inköp020107
Kerstin's photos: Hexagon beads from Skapa
Kerstin's photos: turquoise_beads
Kerstin's photos: beads_20070206
Kerstin's photos: New beads from Skapa
Kerstin's photos: Panduro-box
Kerstin's photos: PS february/march 1b
Kerstin's photos: PS february/march 1a
Kerstin's photos: blue-green
Kerstin's photos: Wristwarmer with beads in blue, grey and white
Kerstin's photos: wrist warmer with beads in blue, grey and white - update
Kerstin's photos: wristwarmer with beads in blue, grey and white
Kerstin's photos: PS february/march 1d
Kerstin's photos: lila pärlor / lilac beads
Kerstin's photos: New yarn and beads