Kerstin's photos: lila-röd
Kerstin's photos: brun-grön
Kerstin's photos: grå-rött-klar2
Kerstin's photos: grå-rött
Kerstin's photos: brun-grön
Kerstin's photos: röd-lila-mudd
Kerstin's photos: silver-och-pärlor
Kerstin's photos: grå-grå2
Kerstin's photos: blå-vitt
Kerstin's photos: grå-grå2
Kerstin's photos: Japanese books
Kerstin's photos: Beads-knitting-mönster2
Kerstin's photos: black_and_silver
Kerstin's photos: black_and_silver2
Kerstin's photos: greyandblack2
Kerstin's photos: greyandblack
Kerstin's photos: wrist warmer with beads in blue, grey and white - update
Kerstin's photos: Wristwarmer with beads in blue, grey and white
Kerstin's photos: wristwarmer with beads in blue, grey and white
Kerstin's photos: PS february/march 1d
Kerstin's photos: Beads knitting
Kerstin's photos: Caterpiller
Kerstin's photos: Wrist warmer
Kerstin's photos: Wrist warmer