Kerstin's photos: lila-röd
Kerstin's photos: Turning Torso
Kerstin's photos: blommarosa
Kerstin's photos: silver-och-pärlor
Kerstin's photos: skylt/ road sign
Kerstin's photos: turquoise_beads
Kerstin's photos: gatukonst "street art"
Kerstin's photos: Ordrupgaard
Kerstin's photos: wrist warmer with beads in blue, grey and white - update
Kerstin's photos: Knotted Openwork Scarf on vintage clothes hanger
Kerstin's photos: Restaurace Pod Viktorkou
Kerstin's photos: Ystad gata
Kerstin's photos: korsvirke
Kerstin's photos: Hjärtemuddar
Kerstin's photos: svart kudde
Kerstin's photos: Kaffe Fassett
Kerstin's photos: Coffee and a cupcake
Kerstin's photos: Looking at art
Kerstin's photos: jordgubbar
Kerstin's photos: kaffe med praliner
Kerstin's photos: Halsduk - detalj
Kerstin's photos: ljus kudde
Kerstin's photos: Fika på Pragborgen
Kerstin's photos: Flower bed in Kalmar